About Tulsa Public Schools
Our students lead through literacy, are empowered through experience, and contribute to their community.
Our Students
Student demographics
36% Multilingual learners*
13% students with disabilities
13% gifted and talented
Student Race/ethnicity
38% Hispanic/Latinx
22% Black
21% white
11% multiracial
4% American Indian or Alaska Native
3% Asian/Pacific islander
As of Oct. 2023
*Represents both current and former multilingual learners
Our Schools
Tulsa Public Schools is a district on the move! We have academic programs that meet the needs of all learners, and we welcome you and your child to join the Tulsa family by enrolling today.
Our Team
Team Tulsa is "all in" to ensure that every student has access to exceptional learning experiences. If you are interested in making a difference in the life of a child, we encourage you to learn more about available positions on our team.
Leadership Team
Dr. Ebony Johnson
Joined Team Tulsa - October 2005
Click here to visit the superintendent's page
Kathy Dodd
Deputy Superintendent
Read more
Joined Team Tulsa - January 2023
Dr. Kathy Dodd joined Tulsa Public Schools in January 2023 as the district's Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, leading the district's efforts to utilize a student outcome focused governance model to improve student achievement. In May 2024, Dr. Dodd was named Deputy Superintendent, providing leadership to the district's 71 schools as well as the school leadership, school operations, organizational learning, athletics, and family, community, and youth partnership departments.
Prior to coming to the district, Dr. Dodd served as Chief Innovation Officer and Deputy Superintendent for the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE). In that role, she oversaw the Offices of Innovation, Federal Programs, Health and Wellness, Safety and Security, and Family Engagement to provide critical post-pandemic support to the state's 540 school districts.
Dr. Dodd has also served as the Regional Vice President for Project Lead The Way (PLTW), a national STEM education non-profit, as well as the Associate Superintendent of Union Public Schools in Tulsa, OK. In addition to being a teacher, state science specialist, district curriculum director, and data/assessment administrator, she is the co-author of two curricula from the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board (OERB), Fossils to Fuel and PetroActive, designed to teach the science behind Oklahoma’s oil and gas industry.
Dr. Dodd holds a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Oklahoma State University as well as a master's degree in educational administration and a Ph.D. in educational foundations from the University of Oklahoma.
Tasha Johnson
chief of staff
Joe Jennings
Chief Information and Operations Officer
Kristin Stephens
Chief Financial officer
Sean berkstresser
Chief of Strategy and Innovation
Erin Armstrong
chief learning officer
Dr. Kimberly Dyce
chief talent officer
Stephanie Gentry
acting General Counsel
Donnie Lewis
Acting Chief of Police
By the Numbers
Board of Education
President Stacey Woolley (District 1)
Calvin Moniz (District 2)
Jennettie Marshall (District 3)
E'Lena Ashley (District 4)
John Croisant (Vice President) (District 5)
Sarah Smith (District 6)
Susan Lamkin (District 7)
More about our board
Our Strategic Plan
Pathways to Opportunity is the culmination of many candid community conversations, insights and suggestions from every corner of our city, and the very best thinking of our system’s educators, school leaders, support professionals, parents, students, partners, and advocates. Click here to learn more.
Mission and Vision
Our Core Values
We know that our diversity is a community treasure, and we are committed to dismantling practices and systems that perpetuate inequities, being actively anti-bias, anti-racist, and working toward justice and opportunity for all.
We are honest, trustworthy, and have high standards of behavior. We make decisions based on what our students and community need, and we do the right thing even when it is hard.
We work together to give Tulsa the world-class schools it needs and deserves. We expect a lot of one another, and we support one another in achieving our shared, high expectations.
We care for one another and work together to celebrate success, learn from struggles, and work to help every team member be their best selves.
Joy at school and at work makes us more productive, because when we create, innovate, and imagine, our motivation grows. Also, we love to have fun!
Our Beliefs
Our Students Can
Every child can learn. Every child has talent. Every child has value. To succeed in a competitive world and to serve as the next generation of leaders, students must engage in their education, own their learning, and feel accepted and supported in our schools.
Our Teachers Make it Happen
Extraordinary teachers are the heart of successful schools, and they deserve working conditions and environments that promote educator professional growth and fulfillment. We must foster learning communities where teachers can continually hone their craft and content knowledge to design engaging learning experiences that meet the needs of every child.
Our Principals are Key
Principals’ responsibilities are strategic, vast, and intense. As leaders, they must be visible, hire the right staff, cultivate talent, build relationships with families and communities, foster positive and safe school cultures, and ensure results. We must support principals’ growth as instructional leaders who strengthen the quality of teaching and learning in all classrooms.
Our District is "All In"
Effective teams collaborate and continually assess and improve their service to schools. This means our employees and board must work together, reflect, adjust, think ahead, and innovate in service of powerful teaching and learning.
Our Community is Essential
High quality schools are vital to the health of our community. Our children and schools need all of us—educators, families, and community partners. We must engage our families and all of Tulsa by embracing transparency, holding ourselves accountable to high standards, proactively communicating, and working as a team toward the success of every student.
Our Progress
We will provide monthly updates during meetings of our Board of Education. Those monthly reports will be posted here.
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District News