Tulsa Public Schools Policy 2204: Student Attendance
PURPOSE: To specify the Board’s intention regarding student attendance expectations and to clarify the impact absenteeism may have upon a student’s potential for promotion and/or earning passing grades, revocation of transfers, and referral to the District Attorney for violation of the Oklahoma Compulsory Attendance Law.
Recording Attendance
Official attendance shall be reported and recorded in “half-day” increments. Students shall be in attendance for at least two hours to be counted as “present” for one-half day. Students arriving late and/or departing early shall have their attendance record accurately reflect the portion of the school day they were reported as “present.”
Kindergarten and early childhood students attending half-day programs shall be counted “present” for the whole day if they attend for two and one-half or more hours of any scheduled daily session.
Chronic Absenteeism
Chronic absenteeism is defined as absence from school at least ten percent (10%) of the time that school is in session and the student is included in membership. In the event of a chronic or reoccurring illness, documentation by the student’s doctor indicating the nature of the chronic or reoccurring condition will suffice for a doctor’s statement for each individual absence. Documentation will not extend beyond the end of the current school year.
A “significant medical condition" means, for the purposes of this policy and related state law, a severe, chronic, or life-threatening physical or mental illness, infection, injury, disease, or emotional trauma. A district medical exemption committee will convene to determine which absences due to a significant medical condition qualify for a medical exemption such that they will not count toward the chronic absenteeism indicator on the school site report for state accountability purposes. This determination will be made using the guidelines and processes provided by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
Elementary Student Absences
Students attending elementary schools (or enrolled in grades typically defined as elementary grades) shall be in attendance a minimum of ninety percent (90%) of the instructional time scheduled for that school (or grade) and make satisfactory academic progress in order to be unconditionally recommended for promotion to the next grade. All absences (excused and unexcused) shall be included in the calculation of the 90% attendance minimum except that excused absences for religious holidays, participation in a military funeral honors ceremony, or extracurricular activities that do not exceed the maximum number allowed shall not be counted for the purpose of determining a student’s eligibility for promotion or revocation of transfer. The maximum number of absences for activities, whether sponsored by the school or outside agency/organization, which removes any student from the classroom shall be ten for any one class period of each school year. Excluded from this number are state and national levels of school-sponsored contests.
All absences must have a written or verbal explanation provided by the parent/guardian within 48 hours of the student’s return to school. An absence for which no acceptable explanation is received shall be deemed unexcused.
Principals shall review all students’ attendance records reflecting absenteeism in excess of 10% of the scheduled instructional time and shall make a determination, after such review, regarding a recommendation for retention based thereon.
Parents/guardians shall be notified, in writing, of any recommendation for retention (non- promotion) or revocation of transfer due to excessive absenteeism (absences exceeding 10% of the scheduled instructional time). Retention/revocation of transfer actions due to excessive absenteeism may be appealed by the parent/guardian.
Secondary Student Absences
Students attending secondary schools (or enrolled in grades typically defined as middle or high school grades) shall be in attendance a minimum of ninety percent (90%) of the instructional time scheduled for any particular class/course in that school (or grade) and make satisfactory academic progress in order to be unconditionally recommended for a passing grade. All absences (excused and unexcused) shall be included in the calculation of the 90% attendance minimum except excused absences for religious holidays, participation in a military funeral honors ceremony, or extracurricular activities that do not exceed the maximum number allowed shall not be counted for the purpose of determining a student’s eligibility for promotion/credit or revocation of transfer. The maximum number of absences for activities, whether sponsored by the school or outside agency/organization, which removes any student from the classroom shall be ten for any one class period of each school year. Excluded from this number are state and national levels of school-sponsored contests.
All absences must have a written or verbal explanation provided by the parent/guardian within 48 hours of the student’s return to school. An absence for which no acceptable explanation is received shall be deemed unexcused.
Principals shall review all students’ attendance records reflecting absenteeism in excess of 10% of the scheduled instructional time and shall make a determination, after such review, regarding a recommendation for a failure to earn credit based thereon.
Parents/guardians shall be notified, in writing, of any recommendation for a failure to earn credit or revocation of transfer due to excessive absenteeism (absences exceeding 10% of the scheduled instructional time). Actions leading to failure to earn credit/revocation of transfer due to excessive absenteeism may be appealed by the parent/guardian.
Referral to the District Attorney for violations of Oklahoma Statutes, Title 70, Sec. 10-106) Oklahoma Compulsory Education Law
If a child is absent without valid excuse four (4) or more days or parts of days within a four- week period or if the child is absent from school for ten (10) or more days or parts of days within a semester without a valid excuse, the attendance officer shall immediately report such absences to the district attorney in the county wherein the school is located for juvenile proceedings.
Attendance Incentive and Awards Program
In an effort to promote and reward regular attendance, each school will establish an incentive awards program. Some activities for such are:
- Conduct school-wide orientation assemblies at the beginning of the school year to review the attendance policy and promote the idea that good attendance is essential if students are to gain the maximum benefit of the educational program.
- Develop school-wide incentive programs to improve attendance.
- Develop and utilize positive rewards for students with exceptional attendance records during any one grading period and/or for the school year.
- Send quarterly commendation letters to students and parents/guardians for improved attendance.
- Issue certificates for good attendance.