May 21-31
"Self-care is how you take your power back." — Lalah Delia
Creating Resilience: Action you can take to create awareness. Awareness is your bridge to acting.
Short description of training concepts discussed in collaboration with organizations, agencies or schools to help create resilience and spaces of Collective Well-Being.
What is Creating Resilience?
Trauma Informed Training and Consulting
Creating Resilience exists to train groups of individuals to respond and support people with trauma histories and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). C.R. uses trauma informed strategies to build safe environments, calm and focus behaviors, and increase competency and executive functions. Our positive interactions will have a ripple effect on the world.
Mental Health Support
Mental Health Association Oklahoma
Get information and resources from our caring mental health professionals on topics related to mental illness, suicide prevention, employment and housing support.
Our work includes housing, mental health education, support groups, counseling referrals and mental health screening, suicide prevention, peer-to-peer recovery services, employment readiness, community health and wellness initiatives and criminal justice advocacy.
Mental Health Assistance Center Form
The Youth Mental Health Program at Mental Health Association Oklahoma consists of Mental Wellness Awareness Education (2nd through 12th grade) and Mental Wellness Screenings for anyone ages 11 to 24 years old. We also provide approved Suicide Prevention Education-Lifelines & Talk Saves Lives- for Oklahoma school Administrators, Faculty, and Staff.
Empowered Voices Tulsa
Empowered Voices Tulsa is a Youth Move National chapter devoted to improving social services by lifting up the voices of youth with lived experience in mental health, juvenile justice, education, and child welfare systems for advocacy and empowerment. This program is 100% youth led and builds public awareness around obstacles that youth are currently facing. Anyone between 16 and 24 years old living in the Tulsa area is welcome to join.
Empowered Voices OKC
Empowered Voices Oklahoma City is devoted to improving social services by lifting up the voices of youth with lived experience in mental health, juvenile justice, education, and child welfare systems for advocacy and empowerment. This program is 100% youth led and builds public awareness around obstacles that youth are currently facing. Anyone between 16 and 24 years old living in the Oklahoma City area is welcome to join.