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Elementary School

Middle School

High School

Care and Connect Centers / Centros de atención y conexión
During November and December, students in middle, junior high, and high school can get help with technology, tutoring, and counseling supports at Care and Connect Centers in their schools. Care and Connect services will be available by appointment only, and students must follow all COVID-19 health and safety guidelines.

Care and Connect Center supports will vary by school and might include help with academic work for students who need it, technology assistance, time with counselors to work on college and career planning, and safe spaces for distance learning.

Students must make appointments for Care and Connect Center visits. Space will be limited to 10-20 students per service session.
Contact your school about Care and Connect Center Support:
  • Booker T. Washington High School: 918-925-1022
  • Carver Middle School: 918-925-1420
  • Central Middle and High School: 918-833-8400
  • East Central High School: 918-746-9700
  • East Central Junior High School: 918-746-9500
  • Edison Preparatory Middle and High School: 918-746-8500
  • Hale High School: 918-925-1200
  • Hale Junior High School: 918-746-9260
  • McLain High School: 918-833-8500
  • Memorial High School: 918-833-9600
  • Memorial Middle School: 918-833-9520
  • Monroe Demonstration Academy: 918-833-8900
  • Phoenix Rising: 918- 833-8376
  • Rogers Middle and High School: 918-833-9000
  • Street School: 918-833-9800
  • Thoreau Demonstration Academy: 918-833-9700
  • TRAICE Academy Middle and High School: 918-925-1360
  • Tulsa Learning Academy: 918-746-6770
  • Tulsa MET Junior High and High School: 918-746-9300
  • Webster Middle and High School: 918-746-8000

Safety Guidelines

Students must:

  • Wear masks that cover the nose and mouth
  • Sign in and out of the building during each visit
  • Practice safe distancing as possible
  • Stay in their assigned rooms or spaces

If you are not feeling well, please cancel your Care & Connect visit.

Durante noviembre y diciembre, los estudiantes de la escuela primaria, secundaria y preparatoria pueden obtener ayuda con tecnología, tutoría y apoyo de asesoramiento en los centros Care and Connect de sus escuelas. Los servicios Care and Connect estarán disponibles solo con previa cita, y los estudiantes deben seguir todas las pautas de salud y seguridad de COVID-19.

Los apoyos de Care and Connect Center variarán según la escuela y podrían incluir ayuda con el trabajo académico para los estudiantes que lo necesiten, asistencia tecnológica, tiempo con consejeros para trabajar en la planificación universitaria y profesional, y espacios seguros para el aprendizaje a distancia.

Los estudiantes deben programar citas para las visitas al Centro Care and Connect. El espacio estará limitado a 10-20 estudiantes por sesión de servicio.

Comuníquese con su escuela sobre el apoyo del Centro Care and Connect:

  • Booker T. Washington High School: 918-925-1022
  • Carver Middle School: 918-925-1420
  • Central Middle and High School: 918-833-8400
  • East Central High School: 918-746-9700
  • East Central Junior High School: 918-746-9500
  • Edison Preparatory Middle and High School: 918-746-8500
  • Hale High School: 918-925-1200
  • Hale Junior High School: 918-746-9260
  • McLain High School: 918-833-8500
  • Memorial High School: 918-833-9600
  • Memorial Middle School: 918-833-9520
  • Monroe Demonstration Academy: 918-833-8900
  • Phoenix Rising: 918- 833-8376
  • Rogers Middle and High School: 918-833-9000
  • Street School: 918-833-9800
  • Thoreau Demonstration Academy: 918-833-9700
  • TRAICE Academy Middle and High School: 918-925-1360
  • Tulsa Learning Academy: 918-746-6770
  • Tulsa MET Junior High and High School: 918-746-9300
  • Webster Middle and High School: 918-746-8000

Reglas de Seguridad

Los estudiantes deben:

  • Usar cubrebocas que cubran la nariz y la boca.
  • Practique el distanciamiento seguro como sea posible
  • Firme al llegar y al salir del edificio en cada visita
  • Permanecer en sus salones o espacios asignados

Si no se siente bien, cancele su visita de Care and Connect.