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Inclement weather on Tuesday, Feb. 9

The current weather forecasts are calling for intermittent precipitation, freezing temperatures, and ice formation. The likelihood of precipitation until 11pm tonight coupled with freezing temperatures could result in icy roads, sidewalks, and parking lots again tomorrow morning. We may also see melting and refreezing of ice across the day. To help keep our team, families, and students safe, we are making the following adjustments to our schedule on Tuesday, Feb. 9:

Schedule Changes for Tuesday, Feb. 9

For Tulsa Public Schools parents

  • Distance learning schedules for students will continue as planned
  • All district evening athletic events will be cancelled.
  • Care and Connect service hours will be cancelled.
  • All grab-and-go meal sites will be closed and our Mobile Meals bus routes will not be running.

For Tulsa voters

  • We are working with the Tulsa County Board of Elections to ensure that polling places in our schools are open and ready for voters from 7am-7pm tomorrow.

For Tulsa Public Schools team members

  • All school campuses and district office sites will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 9.
    • All teachers will teach remotely (from home) tomorrow, and distance learning schedules for students will continue as planned.
    • All school-based instructional support staff (teacher assistants, paraprofessionals, interpreters, etc.) and school-based front office staff may work from home if they are able.
    • All district-based staff who can do so will work remotely. Support professionals who cannot work remotely should connect with their supervisors or managers to use available leave time.
  • All staff working in essential functions – including enrollment, custodial, child nutrition, and transportation - will receive further guidance from their managers and supervisors, however, they should be prepared to report to work.
    • If you work at a site that will support county elections tomorrow, you will receive more information from your supervisor or manager

For more information about the ways that we make decisions about inclement weather closures, delays, and schedule adjustments, visit