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Student and School Safety

There is nothing more important than keeping our students, teachers, and school communities safe, secure, and focused on teaching and learning. Our Campus Police, school teams, and district staff work closely together to ensure that we have strong safety practices in place district-wide. School teams also have the flexibility they need to design the safety plans and protocols that best fit their unique school communities. Some of the safety protocols used at our secondary schools include random and non-random bag searches, wanding as students enter the building, or the use of clear backpacks.

Our schools implement the above safety practices regularly throughout the district. Additionally, when a school experiences social media threats, weapons on campus, or other situations that impact the overall safety of the school, it is not unusual to have heightened safety protocols in place during the following days. 

It is important to know that students who bring weapons, drugs, or make social media threats to school can face incredibly serious consequences, including arrest and criminal charges. Students who bring guns to school will be arrested and charged, without exception. The safety of our students, staff, and school communities is our  priority, and we will continue to implement strong safety measures throughout the district.

Tulsa Public Schools has many layers of safety in place, and one of the most important is prevention. Students and adults alike play a deeply important role in the safety of our schools by alerting us when they see or hear something that concerns them by calling 918-480-SAFE, texting 480SAFE, emailing, or sharing it with a trusted adult. The See.Hear.Share hotline is staffed around the clock.

Click here for more information about how we keep our schools safe.