Secondary Academic Counseling
- Secondary Academic Counseling
- Graduation Supports
- College & Career Planning
- Community Resources
- Personal / Social Support
Secondary Academic Counseling
We are committed to empowering counselors with resources to support students by aligning role expectations with what is best for students. The mission of the Tulsa Public Schools Counseling Program is to implement a data-driven, comprehensive school counseling program that addresses students’ academic, career and social/emotional development. Using our core values of equity, character, excellence, team, and Joy, the school counseling program will create access and opportunities for all students to graduate college/career ready and to contribute as positive citizens.
- What does a school counselor do?
- How can I access my school counselor?
- How can I contact the school counselor at my child's school?
What does a school counselor do?
What does a School Counselor DO?
Counselors will collaborate with school staff, families, administration, and community partners to ensure individual student needs are met. Counselors will work as learners, contributors, and designers to promote student achievement, by providing individual student planning and responsive services. Counselors will provide equitable access to resources that support the whole student, impacting positive academic, social-emotional, and post-secondary readiness development.
Counselors will use our strategies of cultivating safe supportive school cultures, implement innovative practices, and be adaptive and responsive in providing learning experiences for all students.
As professionals, Counselors will be continuous learners gaining knowledge and skills as they design a comprehensive proactive counseling plan using the ASCA (American School Counselors Association) framework model.
Counselors will increase their sense of advocacy and leadership.
Counselors will gain an increased understanding of their work as it relates to district desired outcomes.
Counselors will feel empowered to make systemic change.
How can I access my school counselor?
How can I Access My School Counselor?
Parents, students, school staff and administration may submit a referral regarding personal, social or academic concerns at any time. Parents should call/email to schedule an appointment. Students may sign up to see their counselor in their respective offices. Matters of urgency will be given priority.
How can I contact the school counselor at my child's school?
How can I contact the counselor at my child's school?
Individual Counselors and contact information are located on the main web page for each school. Please see your child’s school page to contact their counselor.
Graduation Supports
Graduation Supports
Counselors meet with students to develop a 4-year academic plan beginning in the 8th grade. The plan is updated every year during the enrollment period. Academic intervention is also provided to students who need support throughout the school year. This may include, but is not limited to: organization skills, time management and test anxiety.
- New students must visit the Enrollment Center before meeting with a counselor to get a schedule.
- Current students will enroll for the following school year each spring. Enrollment conferences will be held for grades 9– 12 to discuss courses, academic plans and other questions and concerns.
Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements
- Counselors review transcripts to ensure students are meeting graduation requirements after the completion of each semester.
- Graduation requirements are determined by the State of Oklahoma.
- Students and parents can access grades using the online portal.
- Questions or concerns about student grades should be directed to the teacher. If additional support is needed please contact the counselor.
Credit Recovery
Credit Recovery
- Students who fail a class in grades 9-12 may be required to recover credits through our Credit Recovery Program in order to fulfill the graduation requirements.
Homework Help
College & Career Planning
We are committed to ensuring every student graduates, equipped for career,college, and community engagement, by providing equitable resources and academic supports.
Oklahoma's Promise
Oklahoma’s Promise
Oklahoma’s Promise is a state sponsored scholarship that pays for in-state college tuition for students whose parents earn $55,000 or less. Students may apply for the scholarship anytime between the 8th and 10th grade. Applications will not be accepted after June 30th of the 10th grade year. School Counselors will assist students in tracking their GPA and taking the required courses needed to qualify for the scholarship.
For more information and to apply, please visit the Oklahoma's Promise Website.
Tulsa Achieves
Use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form to apply for financial aid for college or graduate school.
If you have any questions contact
Covid-19 Announcement:
If your or your family’s financial situation has changed significantly from what is reflected on your federal income tax return (for example, if you’ve lost a job or otherwise experienced a drop in income), you may be eligible to have your financial aid adjusted. Complete the FAFSA questions as instructed on the application (including the transfer of tax return and income information), submit your FAFSA form, then contact the school you plan to attend to discuss how your current financial situation has changed. Note that the school's decision is final and cannot be appealed to the U.S. Department of Education.
Visit for more information.
Community Resources
Community Resources
Use these links for information on mental health support, safety, health care, clothing needs and more.
Mental Health & Student Support
Mental Health & Student Support
DaySpring Community Services: 918-712-0859
YouthCare of Oklahoma: 918-289-0550
Youth Services of Tulsa: 918-582-0061
Parkside - 918-588-8888
Teen Screen - mental health screenings.
Family & Children’s Services - 918-587-9471
CREOKS - 918-382-7300
Youth Services Of Tulsa- provides services for homeless and at risk youth.
Safe Place - youth in crisis and need a place to stay.
Food, Clothing, Utilities, Housing, etc.
Personal / Social Support
Personal and Social Support
School Counselors provide emotional and social support to all students, specifically in areas of:
- Goal Setting
- Individual Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Peer Mediation
- Crisis Intervention
- Coping Strategies
School counselors do not provide therapy or long-term counseling in schools. However, they are prepared to recognize and respond to mental health needs and to assist students and families seeking resources. Students in need of therapy or long-term counseling may be referred to outside agencies. Family & Children’s Services and CREOKS may be available to provide services on site to students who qualify.
Suicide Prevention
If you or someone you know are feeling depressed, hopeless or are having suicidal thoughts it is important to share those feelings with a counselor, administrator or other adult immediately. Reports can be made via phone using TIPS Report Incident or online via the online reporting system.
COPES (918-744-4800) and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255) are also available 24 hours a day in the event that you or a friend need assistance during a time that school is not in session. If someone’s life is in imminent danger, please call 911.
Warning signs of depression/suicidal ideation:
- Withdrawing from friends and family
- Loss of interest in activities
- Sudden mood swings
- Loss of energy
- Eating/sleeping too much or too little
- Change in academic/work performance
- Change in hygiene/appearance
- Statements such as, “Nobody cares about me” or “I can’t take it anymore.”
- Aggressive behavior
- Use of drugs/alcohol
Teen Pregnancy / Parenthood
Teen PRegnancy/Parenthood
Counselors are here to support students who have or are expecting a child. Sharing this information will enable counselors to assist students academically in addition to providing community resources, such as the Parents as Teachers Program.
- Strong Tomorrows - Student pregnancy support services
Intervention / Prevention Programs
Intervention/Prevention Programs
Anger Management and Substance Abuse programs are held once a week in an effort to prevent and/or intervene when students are not making healthy choices. Sessions last an hour and a half and students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Classes are optional, however, successful completion of these programs may result in a reduced suspension.
All students have the right to privacy and confidentiality when speaking with their school counselor. However, confidentiality may be broken if safety is a concern for the student. Exceptions to confidentiality are as follows:
- Student is a danger to self or others
- Student has been harmed or is in fear of being harmed
- Court ordered disclosure