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Elementary School

Middle School

High School

Nutritional & Allergen Information

We take student health and wellness seriously and want to do everything possible to help your child avoid food allergies that might disrupt their school day. Below, you will find nutritional and allergen information that can help you decide what your child will eat at school each day. If you have questions about dietary accommodations, please contact our nutrition team.

medical diet accommodation
request form

 Forma de Peticion para dieta especiales medicas

Does your child require a dietary modification?

If your child has a food allergy that requires dietary modification, please submit the Medical diet accommodation request form. This form must be signed your child's doctor, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner. The letter must clearly state your child's medical condition or allergy that requires dietary modification and must be dated for the current school year.

We will take every reasonable measure to avoid allergens for affected students. Even with our best efforts, however, staff and parents/guardians need to be aware that it is not possible to achieve a completely allergen-free environment. By implementing strategies to minimize the presence of allergens in schools, we hope to reduce the likelihood that our students will have adverse reactions.

Please provide your child’s current documentation to your school’s health assistant and cafeteria manager. Without this documentation, we will be unable to make menu modifications for students. If you have any questions, please contact our nutrition team.

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Child Nutrition