Find It Fast

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Find It Fast - Box 1

Find It Fast - Box 2

Find It Fast - Box 3

Elementary School

Middle School

High School

Proposition 2: STUDENT and CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY - $90.7 Million

Proposition 2 will ensure that all of our students and schools have the educational technology that 21st century learners need and deserve by:


  • Providing every student with the learning technology they need to be prepared for success in school and beyond;
  • Making technology improvements that improve communication between schools and families; and
  • Keeping our critical network systems operating securely.

Proposition 3: Transportation - $17.3 million

Proposition 3 will provide safe, comfortable, and environmentally sustainable transportation for every Tulsa student by:


  • Providing student transport vehicles to every high school for off-site learning and enrichment opportunities;
  • Improving student rider experiences with wifi-enabled activity buses and applications to track bus arrival times; and 
  • Funding our district’s continued transition to environmentally-friendly buses using compressed natural gas.


PROPOSITION 4 will invest in providing exceptional learning experiences for every child by focusing on five critical areas:


  • Creating strong STEM education, career- and college-ready programming;
  • Giving all Tulsa students the same opportunities to succeed; 
  • Investing in our educators;
  • Nurturing the whole child with strengthened arts and athletics programs; and
  • Expanding access to early childhood education, dual language learning, and other proven initiatives.