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2015 Bond

An image of Booker T. Washington's football field with the text %22Thank You Tulsa Voters%22

Bond funding at Tulsa Public Schools is more than buildings and textbooks! Because of bond funding:

  • Every Tulsa student has a Chromebook or laptop to use at home and at school;

  • School buildings have improved air filtration and ventilation systems;

  • Visitors enter school sites through secure entryway systems;

  • Student athletes practice and compete in state of the art athletic facilities; 

  • Libraries are flexible and equipped to serve as informal classrooms and Maker Spaces; and

  • Learning can happen anywhere with reliable wireless internet in every school building. 

Thanks to the generous support of Tulsans, the 2015 Bond provided $415 million in funding to ensure that Tulsa students and teachers can teach and learn with high-quality materials in buildings that are safe, secure, and equipped with 21st century educational technology.


The bond in action

Take a look at some of our completed projects, thanks to voter approved bonds!


What are school bonds?

Bonds for school projects are very similar to a home mortgage. To finance construction projects and equipment purchases, the district sells bonds to investors who will be paid back principal and interest over time, with funds raised through property taxes.

School bonds begin with a general election to authorize a specific amount for projects specified on the ballot. The schools district sells them as municipal bonds, typically twice a year, when funds are needed for building projects or equipment and resources. Bids are taken from interested buyers, usually large institutional investors, and are sold at the lowest interest rate offered.

How can school bond money be used?

Proceeds from schools bonds can be used for capital expenditures including the acquisition of land, construction of building projects like classrooms, stadiums and libraries as well as remodeling of existing school facilities. Funds can also be used for the purchase of buses, equipment and materials including textbooks, computers and networking, musical instruments, science materials and other teaching resources.

By the Numbers 

The 2015 bond package secured funding for school improvements and technology for our students!

$415 million approved by voters

Over $300 million spent so far

contact us

Chris Hudgins
Executive Director of Bond Projects & Energy Management

Paula Elam
Bond Office Manager, Bidding and contracts

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Kids smiling on the playground