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Elementary School

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High School

Enroll for Next School Year

Enrollment Center

2819 S. New Haven Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74114
Entrance: North doors

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Wednesdays: services available online


Enrollment System

Click here to access the online registration website, Avela, to:

  • Start a current year enrollment form.
  • Start a new EnrollTulsa! Application for the upcoming school year (2024-25).
  • Access an existing EnrollTulsa! Application for the upcoming school year (2024-25).

Please create an account or access your existing account in Avela

  1. Click on the “Sign Up” function.
  2. Then select “Sign Up with phone”. 
  3. Enter your cell phone number. (For those who completed an EnrollTulsa! Application, it’ll be the cell phone number you provided on the application)
  4. A code will be sent to your phone. Then enter the code texted to your phone into the webpage prompt. 
  5. From here, you should be able to either complete your new account, or, view existing EnrollTulsa! First window student application(s).

If you have any issues - please contact the Tulsa Enrollment Center 918-746-7500

Click here to access Avela.

One-Transfer Policy

The School Board Policy Manual, page 118, limits students to one in-district transfer for each grade range: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.

An in-district transfer is when a student attends a school that is not their neighborhood school.

Students are guaranteed a seat at their neighborhood school. This does not count as their transfer. Attending a Charter school does not count as a transfer.

If your student attends a school that is not their home school, this will count as the student’s one transfer until they reach the next transfer grade range. Until then, the student can attend either their neighborhood school or the school they are currently on a transfer at. 

Lottery Preferences

The electronic matching system prioritizes students based on preferences when determining who gets assigned a seat. A preference is assigned to an applicant who meets certain criteria at a particular school. Those assigned to a preference will get a higher priority when seats are assigned. For example, an applicant with a sibling preference at a particular school will be assigned a seat to that school before an applicant with no preference. Not all schools offer the same preferences or rank them in the same order. To see a list of preferences and their definitions, click here. To see what preferences apply to each school, click here. 


General Enrollment Information

Tests and Grade Level Placement

Online enrollment

You will need a valid email address to create your online account. We will also use this email to send notifications to you.

How the lottery works



For questions about our pre-K programs, contact the early childhood education team at or the enrollment staff at 918-746-7500 or

Click here to explore our elementary schools.

magnet schools

We're glad you are interested in our magnet schools and programs. To be considered for acceptance into a magnet school or program, each student must submit a complete application including all required documents.

MAP Testing

MAP tests will be offered to out-of-district magnet applicants on January 24, 2024, January 31, 2024, and February 28, 2024. Students who are not currently enrolled in Tulsa Public Schools and do not have test scores from last semester or this semester can sign up here. Only students who have submitted a criteria magnet school application will be tested.

Questions about Magnet school enrollment

transferring from another district

With the enactment of Senate Bill 783 (2021), the Legislature made comprehensive reforms to Oklahoma’s school transfer laws, namely revising the requirements for accepting and denying student transfers and requiring school districts to set and list enrollment capacities on their websites. 

A parent or guardian may request a transfer at any time of the school year.

To request a transfer, simply complete the Oklahoma Student Open Transfer Application on the State Department of Education website. Individuals without access to the internet may obtain the form from the local school district of residency or print it here.

A student may only complete two out-of-district transfers per school year. This limit does not include re-enrolling in your district of residence. Additionally, students in foster care many complete any number of transfers in a given school year and are not subject to the two-transfer limit.

A student may only complete one transfer to a statewide virtual charter school per school year. Any subsequent transfer to any other statewide virtual charter school within the same year requires the concurrence of both the resident school district and the receiving virtual charter school.

A student may be granted a one-year transfer and may continue to attend the school each school year with the approval of the receiving district. At the end of each school year, a school district may deny continued transfer of the student for discipline or attendance as described below.

Transfers may be denied by the receiving district for any of the following reasons:

a. The desired grade level at the school site has exceeded its enrollment capacity;

b. There are incidents of student discipline for reason(s) outlined in 70 O.S. § 24-101.3; and/or

c. The student has a history of absences, which is defined as ten or more unexcused absences in one semester 70 O.S. § 8-101.2 (B)(2).

Lack of capacity is an allowable reason for denying an initial transfer.  Transfers must be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

Special consideration is distinct for the following student groups:

a. Students with disabilities: Prior to the approval of the transfer of a child on an individualized education program (IEP), a joint IEP conference must be conducted between the district of residence and the receiving district. The receiving district must establish the availability of the appropriate staff, and services prior to approving the transfer.

b. Military dependent students: A student who applies for a transfer and whose parent/guardian is an active member of the military or a member of the military reserve on active duty cannot be denied a transfer because of capacity limitations.

c. Students of Teachers: A child of a parent/legal guardian employed as a “teacher” in a district may transfer into that district regardless of capacity. Under the law, the definition of teacher includes teachers, nurses, librarians, counselors and administrators who are certified employees.

d. Students in foster care: Any student in foster care currently placed in the home of another student enrolled in a district may transfer to said district regardless of capacity. Additionally, students in foster care many complete any number of transfer in a given school year and are not subject to the two-transfer limit.

After a school district denies a transfer, the parent or legal guardian of the student has 10 days to appeal the denial to the local board of education. If the school district board of education upholds the denial of the transfer, the parent or legal guardian may appeal the denial to the state Board of Education within 10 days of receiving notice of the local board’s decision.

Related Documents:

If you have questions or need assistance, please call the Tulsa Public Schools Enrollment Center at 918-746-7500.

athletic eligibility