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Elementary School

Middle School

High School

Why choose Tulsa? Because with 78 unique learning communities, our district has options that meet the needs and interests of every child!

At Tulsa Public Schools, every child can:
  • Learn, grow, and thrive in school communities that celebrate them for who they are;
  • Build strong, meaningful relationships with caring adults committed to seeing them succeed; and
  • Graduate with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to contribute to their community through the military, college, technical schools, and careers.
Scroll down for more information about the many opportunities available for your child here in Tulsa Public Schools!


School sites offering 46 career and technology education programs including broadcasting, culinary arts, web design, computer repair, manufacturing


High schools offering concurrent enrollment through our local higher education institutions



Dual language schools


High schools with embedded Tulsa Tech career-ready programs

East Central High School
Edison Preparatory High School 
McLain High School
Memorial High School


Top Reasons Why Families Choose Tulsa Public Schools

Click each reason to view details



School Boundaries

Open and zoom in on any of the boundary maps below to find a school's boundary area.