Middle Schools
Our middle school students:
- Participate in electives that may include vocal and instrumental music, technology, visual and performing arts, or global languages;
- Earn high school credits in courses such as algebra, physical science, and technology;
- Build strong relationships with their peers and teachers that support social and emotional growth.
Explore Our Middle schools icon
Depending on your choice of middle school program, your child might:
- Work with the school media team to learn broadcast and production skills;
- Study science, technology, engineering and math using drones, hovercrafts, robots, or virtual reality programs;
- Strengthen their global language skills in a dual language classroom;
- Build mobile apps and design in 3-D during Career Tech classes;
- Join an athletic team where they practice teamwork and develop leadership skills
Thanks to the support of Tulsans in the 2021 Bond, every middle school student can participate in our athletics programs. Our offerings for middle school include: basketball, cheerleading, football, soccer, wrestling, and volleyball.
Career Technology Education
Career and Technical Education (CTE) allows middle school students to gain hands-on learning experience in areas such as agriculture, pre-engineering, and business administration. A complete list of CTE pathways can be found here.
Middle school students can participate in virtual and in-person learning experiences after school that include academic support, fun clubs, and programs with community organizations like Tulsa Debate League, the Harmony Project, Camp Fire and more. Each middle school has its own set of clubs and activities based on the interests of their students. Some of the programs available in our district include: Academic Team, Art Club, Chess Club, Men and Women of Power, Robotics, and STEM Club.
Post-Secondary Readiness
For today’s learners, middle school is the ideal time to begin exploring career paths and matching students’ skills and interests with jobs. We want to help your students find their ‘why’ and work with them to determine how they can use that to create a life and career they’re passionate about. Learn more here.
Carver Middle
624 E. Oklahoma Pl., Tulsa, OK 74106
Phone: 918-925-1420
Interim Principal: Joy Parnosky
Grade Levels: 6th-8th
Feeder Pattern: Magnet Program
Central Middle and high
3101 W. Edison St., Tulsa, OK 74127
Phone: 918-833-8400
Principal: Jason Gilley
Grade Levels: 6th-8th
Feeder Pattern: Central
East Central Middle School
12121 E. 21 St., Tulsa, OK 74129
Phone: 918-746-9500
Interim Principal: Aaron Clemmons
Grade Levels: 6th-8th
Feeder Pattern: East Central
Edison Preparatory
2906 E. 41 St., Tulsa, OK 74105
Phone: 918-746-8500
Interim Principal: Tim Maxeiner
Grade Levels: 6th-8th
Feeder Pattern: Edison
Hale Middle School
2177 S. 67 E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74129
Phone: 918-746-926
Interim Principal: Keith Carter
Grade Levels: 7th-8th
Feeder Pattern: Hale
Memorial middle
7502 E. 57 St. Tulsa, OK 74145
Phone: 918-833-9520
Interim Principal: Megan Batrez
Grade Levels: 6th-8th
Feeder Pattern: Memorial
Monroe Demonstration Academy
2010 E. 48th St. N. Tulsa, OK 74130
Phone: 918-833-8900
Interim Principal: Dana Simmons
Grade Levels: 6th-8th
Feeder Pattern: McLain
Thoreau Demonstration Academy
7370 E. 71 St. Tulsa, OK 74133
Interim Principal: Tabitha Arreola
Phone: 918-833-9700
Grade Levels: 6th-8thFeeder Pattern: Magnet Program
Webster Middle and High
1919 W. 40 St. Tulsa, Oklahoma 74107
Interim Principal: Jen Baugess
Phone: 918-746-8000
Grade Levels: 6th-8th
Feeder Pattern: Webster
will Rogers college Middle and high
3909 E. 5 Pl., Tulsa, OK 74112
Phone: 918-833-9000
Principal: Cindy Largent
Grade Levels: 6th-8thFeeder Pattern: Rogers
Alternative Schools
TRAICE Academy
2740 E. 41 St. N., Tulsa, OK 74110
Phone: 918-925-1360
Interim Principal: Alpha Benson
Grade Levels: 6th-12th
Tulsa MET Middle and High
6201 E. Virgin St., Tulsa, OK 74115
Phone: 918-746-9300
Interim Principal: Audrey Doctor
Grade Levels: 6th-8th
Phone: 918-746-8821
Executive Principal: Debbie Renz
Grade Levels: Pre-K-12th
DISTRICT-Authorized CHARTER schools
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