Find It Fast

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Find It Fast - Box 1

Find It Fast - Box 2

Find It Fast - Box 3

Elementary School

Middle School

High School


Are you struggling and need help now? Call or text 988 or live chat at


Our counseling programs focus on helping students with academic achievement, social and emotional learning, and personal/career development. Each student has an opportunity to work with their school counselor to understand their growth and development, monitor and take action on any personal or academic issues, and plan for next steps. 

School site counselors monitor academic progress using real-time data to identify supports, resources, and interventions to keep students on track to graduate and be successful. Counselors also provide support for parents and guardians by keeping them informed of student progress, initiating partnerships for student learning and career planning, and promoting relationships to ensure post-secondary planning. Please see your child's school page to contact their counselor.

We also partner with local community mental and behavioral health agencies that  provide mental health services to students to address social, emotional, or behavioral needs. Contact your child's school for more information.


This is the top hero image that will appear in the header of the live version of this page

A door with a signs that say this is our happy place

Contact Us

Christy Spears
Manager of Mental Health Services
Email Christy

Eschelle Gilkey
Graduation Coordinator for Advanced Learning
Email Eschelle

Is someone in immediate danger?
Call 911

logo for the national suicide prevention lifeline 1-800-273-8255

24/7 Safety Hotline

You can help keep your school community safe with our See. Hear. Share. safety hotline. If you see or hear something concerning, call or text 918-480-SAFE (7233), email, or share it with a trusted adult. This hotline is staffed 24 hours a day.

To report a non-urgent incident using our online form, click here.